Today I got a lot done!
I skimmed the cream off the milk, made 1/2 gallon of cream into butter, set two cheeses,  made cottage cheese as well. When the cottage cheese was done, I salted & poured cream on it.

I am so glad I was able to rip seams on 3 curtains!!! YAY!!!! I have 3 curtains left. I am hoping to have them ripped tomorrow.

All this & I washed a LOT of dishes....I am happy to say I found a book at the library. It is called Bound Like Grass. It is about a girl that grew up on homesteaded land. Her grandparents on both sides homesteaded. She wondered why they worked so hard & kept trying to farm when it did not make enough money to live on. It was a great book & the whole book talked about my passions & I did a LOT of thinking though it.

Life is sad. It has a lot of sadness in it. Most of the sadness is not even caused or has anything to do with me or us.....this book made me think about others actions & how to displace myself from them....I am not sure it is possible for me....I like thinking books & books that are real & really happened.

This past weekend Larry's cousin's wife & kids were murdered in their home in Spokane. It is unimaginable & unbelievable.....Pray for our family please...the Aders.

Tonight we ate most of the rest of the black beans, left over pork roast, homemade just made today cottage cheese & Bessie's Mousse. YUM...that is what I have lingering in my tummy! 

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    Dianne Ader, wife, mama, homemaker, farmer's wife & keeper of the animals talks about passions of everyday life.


    February 2012

