Pet peeves....what is yours?
Mine...someone using the kitchen counter or cutting board & leaving crumbs on it. I like clean. As soon as I clean it, I have peace...I am not angry at the person leaving it that way...but I will tell them ha ha hah ah. Clean it up next time would ya....

The other is not getting a plate when eating a cookie or sandwich...ha ha hahcrumbs again....

Good morning,
I am working on my curtains. I need to find my fabric upstairs & add on a casing to them to lengthen them.

Putting my new cheese in the fridge on clean plates sprinkled with salt...salt is a preserver also it adds flavor.

I am starting to read My life in France from Julia Child. I have been wanting to read it for a year now.

We had a January blizzard this morning...well...sort snowed & blowed hard for a couple hours. Now the sky is clearer with little snow flurries. Fun to see out the window. The blizzard was the whole chore time...ha ha hahah

Happy day...Love, Dianne

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    Dianne Ader, wife, mama, homemaker, farmer's wife & keeper of the animals talks about passions of everyday life.


    February 2012

